The Mirth of Earth

What on Earth is ‘mirth’?
‘Mirth’ is a Fleshkin, or human, word which describes a state of merriment and joy, often characterised by laughter, festivity, and elation.

The worth of mirth
From the inhabitants of Earth to the planet itself, and far beyond to the furthest reaches of the NadRad, mirth is fundamental in contributing to the equilibrium of everything in existence.
Scientifically inclined primates continue to study and observe the significance and effects of mirth in the material realm, noting correlations between joyful emotional states and improved physical health.
Research suggests that mirth:
combats stress
assists resilience
boosts the immune system
hastens recovery
protects and strengthens the heart
reduces pain
promotes a healthy lifestyle
elevates wellbeing
and even increases life expectancy!
Equally as academic NadRadians have studied and observed the significance and effects of Earthly mirth beyond the constraints of material reality, noting correlations between joyful states of collective consciousness and their ability to ripple through different dimensions in fractal form creating self-similar amplifications of joy.

‘Mirth of Earth’ birth
The Mirth of Earth campaign is a multifaceted initiative originating in the NadRad conceived by Tizma Ezmereld, the xenologist renowned for her studies of Homo sapiens and foremost expert on the inner children of planet Earth.
Through Ezmereld’s extensive study of Fleshkins she ascertained that the dominant species of Earth, once considered by many NadRadians to be but simple carbon lifeforms with a limited capacity to comprehend and shape anything but the material domain, are in fact complex beings whose inner worlds significantly contribute to the vast expanse of NadRadian realms.

The Growing Mirth Movement
Ezmereld’s discovery that the thoughts, feelings, and imaginings of the inhabitants of Earth have an observable and tangible impact on the delicate multidimensional ecosystem of ultimate reality has since led to the Mirth of Earth campaign amassing a variety of NadRadian proponents. Countless NadRadian figures, organisations, intergalactic councils, etheric beings, and individuals are now committed to contributing to the harmony and joy of consciousness on planet Earth.
The ongoing efforts of these NadRadian Mirth Makers continues, with seeds of change already beginning to blossom as Fleshkins recognise their infinite potential to create abundance, celebrate diversity, nurture interconnectivity, champion harmony and fully embrace their role as stewards of planet Earth.

Earthly Mirth Makers
The expansion of NadRadian efforts to increase mirth’s girth in all planes of existence has led to many Fleshkins unwittingly contributing to the interdimensional campaign through positive, peaceful, and playful actions which respect, protect and nurture the wellbeing of individuals, communities, and the world at large.
The power of each Fleshkin to inspire and embody the change they want to see in the world is broadcast from the NadRad on a regular basis, communicated via both profound and subtle epiphanies.
The Crud Muffins and their growing community of CRUDS (Creative Recreation Until Dawn Supporters) are among the few Fleshkins actively spreading knowledge and awareness of the NadRadian campaign, inviting other Earth-dwellers to join as conscious and creative Earthly Mirth Makers.